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Children’s Foot Orthotics

Children with flat feet often have difficulty walking, running, or playing sports due to pain and/or impaired coordination. products are specifically designed for kids to deliver a prescription based correction, the closest you will find to custom! LS are composed of a unique blend of materials specifically chosen for kids to provide optimal strength, support and comfort – with a non-skid soft edge feel.

foot orthotics:
  • Support Flat Feet and Improve Posture
  • Control Heel Pain/Sever's Disease
  • Reduce Growing Pains
  • Improve Low Muscle Tone and Strength
gait plates:
  • Reduce In-Toeing
  • Improve Hip & Lower Extremity Strength
  • Reduce Destructive Torsional Forces
  • Create a Straighter, More Normal Gait
Ask your Clinician if may be right for your child